
Yoga can be a tremendous resource for managing chronic pain. If you think that yoga could not possibly be for you, have had bad experiences with yoga, or you are  curious about how yoga relates to chronic pain, please check out my articles, written by a very stiff person, who loves yoga. You may find a new angle or approach that might be helpful to you. More wonderful hand-picked resources will follow soon.

There is scientific evidence for yoga’s effect on chronic pain. See a recent abstract: Yoga for Functional Ability, Pain and Psychosocial Outcomes in Musculoskeletal Conditions: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Disclaimer: Anything in this section is an invitation to find out what works for you.  Only you and your health care professionals can decide how to practice yoga appropriately. 

Doing Yoga the right way 

Please also look at my blogs under: yoga on your right.